Richard Perry

Just another blog about nothing

  |     |   Photography, Instagram, George, Snow, Rosie
This Gallery contains 8 photos.

  |     |   Languages, Mandarin, Challenges
Mandarin Progress Month 4 So my 4 months are up and unfortunately, the last 2 months have been a bit useless for various reasons, so needless to say I haven’t really managed to achieve my goal. Over the last month I have probably only spent about 10 hours learning Mandarin, and the bulk of that was probably reviewing characters on Memrise. I have still not yet completed all 30 lessons from Pimsleurs Mandarin 1 so that is still on my todo list. I have improved by reading comprehension and my speaking a little, but I don’t think I would be able to hold a 5 minute conversation yet. Ah well. I have enjoyed it and so I will continue to plod on at my previous pace and see how it...

  |     |   Photography, Instagram, Rosie, George, Swimming, Scouts, Christmas
This Gallery contains 7 photos.

  |     |   Languages, Mandarin, Challenges
Mandarin Progress Month 3 It has now been 3 months since I started my Mandarin Language Challenge so it’s time for another update. This month has been very slow going and I have achieved pretty much nothing. I started the month with the intention of reviewing all the Pimsleur lesson I had learned so far and reciting the conversations from each lesson as SoundCloud items. However, it wasn’t until 15 November that I uploaded the first two lessons, and then I haven’t continued since. I have therefore decided to pretend that November didn’t happen and try to continue from where I left off at the end of October with the same goals etc. carrying forward to December. For those that are interested, here is the only audio clip I have uploaded...

  |     |   Photography, Instagram, George, Scouts, Rosie
This Gallery contains 4 photos.

  |     |   Languages, Mandarin, Challenges
Mandarin Progress Month 2 We are now into the third month of my Mandarin Chinese language challenge, so here is an update to how month 2 has gone. Lets start by updating you on my targets from last month. 1. Practice more than twice a week This time I think I just about managed to practice more than twice a week, although still not as much as I would have liked. 2. Publish at least one journal entry to Lang-8 per week The Lang-8 community are very helpful and I have been inundated with corrections when I have actually submitted an entry, but I did not manage to achieve the requisite on entry per week this month, maybe I will manage it next month. These are my entries for October for anyone that...

  |     |   Photography, Instagram, Garden, Chillies
The Last of This Years Scotch Bonnets

  |     |   Photography, Instagram
An Awesome Roast to End an Awesome Day!

  |     |   Photography, Instagram, Puzzlewood
Bat Hunting in Puzzlewood

  |     |   Birthday, Paralympics, London, Gilwell, Harry Potter
An Awesome Birthday Weekend This year, my birthday landed on Gilwell Reunion weekend so Rosie decided to put together an amazing weekend based at Gilwell Park. Gilwell Reunion is a weekend for Scout Leaders that doesn’t involve bringing along any Scouts so it’s a brilliant chill out weekend where we get to catch up with friends from all over the world that we’ve met on various events, so it’s always nice when it lands on my birthday. This year, Rosie also arranged for us to take a trip into London on Saturday to watch some wheelchair fencing at the ExCeL Centre. We arrived late on the Friday night for various reasons, and headed out early on Saturday morning to get into London, so we didn’t really take part in...