Yesteday we decided it was about time George got to see a real mountain so instead of taking the
easy option and going up to Mynydd Maen, we went up to Storey Arms with a view to taking a walk up
to Pen-y-Fan. Obviously we were well aware of the potential difficulties of taking a 7½ week old
baby up a mountain, so we dragged along a good friend of ours, Stewart Cunningham
(Diary of a Scout Leader). We arrived at the Storey Arms car park at about lunch time, I strapped
George to my chest and off we went. It was a much cooler day than it has been so thankfully we
didn’t have to fight with the heat or the sun, just the walking .
About half way up the route to Corn Du we noticed that the cloud level was starting to drop and it wasn’t looking too hopeful, but we soldiered on while George slept happily in his sling with the proviso that if the weather started to turn we would call it a day. It was a fairly slow walk, but that probably has a lot to do with the fact that both Rosie and myself haven’t done a lot of proper walking recently, as well as Rosie having only given birth to George 7½ weeks ago! The last hundred metres or so of climbing up Corn Du are quite steep so things got a little more difficult, especially due to the fact George had decided it was time to wake up. By the time we got to the top George was hungry, and the altitude was starting to bother him so Rosie fed him at 873m above sea level just as the clouds fully closed in around us making visibility severely limited.
By the time George was ready to go on, the weather had definitely taken a turn for the worse so
unfortunately we took the decision to turn back and skip Pen-y-Fan for today. It was a bit
disappointing having to turn around when we were so close, but on the other hand we got to the top
of Corn Du with a 7½ week old baby in March!!! I think George had a good day even if he
was asleep for most of it.
View George’s First Hike in a larger map